The boss Jorge Costa has confirmed his squad for tomorrow's all-important fixture against NorthEast United FC..
Amrinder Singh, Marko Klisura, Anwar Ali, Milan Singh, Arnold Nkufo Issoko, Md Rafique, Matias Mirabaje, Raynier Fernandes, Sanju Pradhan, Rafael Bastos, Pranjal Bhumij, Vignesh D, Ravi Kumar, Souvik Chakrabarti, Sehnaj Singh, Modou Sougou, Bipin Singh, Paulo Machado.
More team news as the boss confirmed that Subhasish Bose and Alen Deory are on the injury list along with Joyner Lourenco and Davinder Singh.
Defender Lucian Goian also misses out on the action against NorthEast United FC after he collected his 4th yellow card against Jamshedpur FC.