Mumbai City Football Club in partnership with long standing CFG charity partner OSCAR Foundation, is back with the ‘Healthy Goals’ Program, a fundraising initiative to empower healthier lives for Mumbai youth through football.
The ‘Healthy Goals’ initiative will raise needed funds for community football pitches, as well as youth-led programs uplifting physical and mental health of local youth through the power of football. All proceeds raised through our Healthy Goals initiative from now through September 2024 will be allocated to OSCAR Foundation and be matched pound for pound*.
Fans can play their part and donate to our ‘Healthy Goals’ campaign by clicking here.
Mumbai City Football Club is the third club within the City Football Group (CFG) network to launch its ‘Healthy Goals’ initiative. Throughout 2024, several other clubs in the CFG network will launch similar initiatives to help spread the ‘Healthy Goals’ impact worldwide.
*City Football Group Limited (CFG) will match donations to the Healthy Goals Programme made between February and September 2024, to a limit of £125k for any single Club or a maximum of £500k matched globally across all CFG Clubs participating in this round of funding. For more info see FAQ’s.
What is Healthy Goals? Healthy Goals is an initiative aimed at empowering healthier lives through football in Mumbai and other City Football Group Club cities across the world. The initiative offers funding and training to support youth led football programmes and new community football pitches benefitting local young people and communities.
Where will the funds raised go? All funds raised go to our partner charity OSCAR Foundation, a Non Governmental organisation, E27420 (MUMBAI) under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950. PAN NO - AAATO2812J FCRA Registration No - 083781502 whose registered office is Office No. – 104, 1st floor, Varma Chamber, 11 Homji Street, Near Horniman Cirlce, Fort, Mumbai 400001, Maharashtra, India., to fund a combination of football pitch builds/refurbs with youth led football projects uplifting the health of local young people. More information about OSCAR Foundation can be found here.
How is the impact measured? OSCAR Foundation conducts regular impact measurement through participant surveys, coach reports and feedback from local communities they operate in. More information about the impact is available here.
How will funds be raised? City Football Group will match cash donations to the forementioned programme (named ‘Healthy Goals’) on a 1:1 basis, which are made to OSCAR Foundation till September 2024 (so a £1 donation would be matched by City Football Group contributing an amount equal to £1)*. This is known as ‘match funding’. The overall City Football Group donation is subject to the campaign limits set out below.
How much will City Football Group contribute? Overall, City Football Group will contribute a maximum of £125,000 (GBP) to OSCAR Foundation through this campaign, or £500,000 (GBP) in total for all City Football Group affiliated charities participating in the campaign (whichever comes first).
How can I donate? It's quick and easy to donate online using OSCAR Foundation page which will support Healthy Goals programme. Additional opportunities to donate will be made available over the coming months, publicised on Mumbai City Football Club Instagram account.
How will my data be used? For any donations made via Give to OSCAR Foundation can be visited here, Give will act as the data controller in relation to your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable local legislation. Your personal data will not be passed by Give to CFG. For further information on the data which Give will require from you and how this will be used, please refer to Give privacy policy which can be found here. You can also access OSCAR Foundation’s Privacy Policy here.
Does OSCAR Foundation receive any support beyond funding? Yes, OSCAR Foundation access in grant support from City Football Group, training for young leaders, connectivity with a global network of youth led community football projects supported through CFG’s global foundation programme.
Will all of the money donated go directly to OSCAR Foundation? All donations made via Give website are subject to fees, more information on Give applicable fees can be found here. Give’s Terms of Service can be found here.
What about Gift Aid? If you are a UK taxpayer and make a qualifying donation supported by a valid Gift Aid declaration, CAFonline.org will be able to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation and pass this on to the charity partner. You should seek independent advice if you wish to consider whether you are eligible to apply for personal tax relief in relation to your donation.
Will I be able to get tax relief on my donation? This will depend, amongst other things, on your personal circumstances, tax status, choice of currency and country of tax residence. You should seek local independent tax advice if you wish to consider applying for this.
*City Football Groups’ donation to OSCAR Foundation Mumbai until September 2024 Healthy Goals match funding window is subject to an overall aggregate cap of £500,000 across all participating charities globally, and a maximum donation of £125,000 for any single charity (whichever comes first).